Xperior aims on general testing of telecommunication HW products and prototypes with measurement devices connected to PC via VISA interface, such TCPIP, GPIB, USB, ASRL, TELNET, etc. and supports SOAP communication. Application consists of built-in Python interpreter which executes python scripts defining the actual test case. Maintenance of test reports with Database System offers clean overview and coordinates test planning. All the procedures are automated.


 In today’s world of rapidly increasing requirements in evolving Radio Access Technologies an enormous pressure is put on mobile phone developers, manufacturers and protocol testers. The development deadlines are shorter, the market entrance times earlier. The best quality of the product’s internal software and hardware components has to be guaranteed.
 A developer needs to ensure the correct functionality of newly implemented features and verify the stability of previous firmware build. Similarly for the HW manufacturer, the quality criterion for produced product is a proven 100% pass rate of predefined acceptance tests.
 Software testing is today our best weapon against software errors, which makes testing necessary part in both developing and maintaining reliable software. It is important to be aware that the goal of software testing is to find errors and NOT to prove the absence of them.

The solution

 Xperior will find these errors. The reliability of a software product is one of the most essential measures of its quality. Applying more testing reduces the number of remaining error and thereby makes the software more reliable.
 Xperior aims on testing of HW products and prototypes with measurement devices connected to PC via VISA interface, such TCPIP, GPIB, USB, ASRL, TELNET, etc. and supports SOAP communication. Application consists of built-in Python interpreter which executes python scripts defining the actual test case. Maintenance of test reports with Database System offers clean overview and coordinates test planning. All the procedures are automated.


       Figure 1: Usecase example

Xperior Features

  • remote control over VISA interface, such TCPIP (VX11, HiSLIP, SOCKET), GPIB, USB, ASRL, TELNET; SOAP communication
  • interactive python scripts execution, further data handling and direct interacting with built-in interpreter; scripts can run in Python debugger
  • clear overview and multiple-users administration of test results
  • fully automated execution and database handling
  • powerful graph plotting feature
  • advanced Integrated Development Environment
  • available as one HW Box Solution

Your benefits

Xperior helps your company to survey your protocol stack, or in general, software implementation and find the critical parts and will give you the overall view of the system functionality and stability. In these days fast evolving telecommunication environment, the systems are continually getting larger and more complex and you do not want to end up with software product that is out of control. With Xperior’s features, you establish a solid platform for a lab and industrial software testing process. We are convinced that is essential to establish this process for parameters such as complexity, reliability and quality, in order to be able to effectively manage projects and develop high quality products.

Seamless integration into your development and release process

Xperior supports tight integration with many development tools such ClearCase, IBM Jazz (RTC) Jenkins and others thanks to its automation capabilities.

Supported targets

Xperior is available on Windows platform.